3 Days Of Being An Irresistible Invitation to More Clients FREE Adventure
What if you had too many clients, and yet it was never, never enough
Join me for FREE for 3 days of being an irresistible invitation to more clients!
Day 1 - Being the Invitation of You and the energy of Irresistible
Day 2 - What is your Social Media and marketing saying about YOU?
Day 3 - Never Giving UP, Never Give In & Never Quitting on YOU and your Business!
Join Becky here .. Or in my telegram thread for more. www.Becky-Vannes.com/telegram

Day 1 - Being the Invitation of You and the energy of Irresistible
1. what are you saying to yourself? What are you saying to yourself about yourself? And is that what you want the world to know about you (and your business)?
2. Set an alarm for your "acknowledgment session" What can you acknowledge about yourself, your business, and your creations?
3. Are you willing to have no judgment of yourself?
4. What is different about me?
Have fun and share what comes up for you, if you like❣️
Day 2 - What is your Social Media and marketing saying about YOU?
Let's get really clear on what you would actually like to create.
Get present with your business today and look at a couple of things:
1. Hey self how much is too many clients??
- When did you decide that?
- is it still number still relevant
- What is your target?
- Are you willing to have more clarity?
- Are you willing to be the energy of what it takes to be?
- Are you just ‘asking’ or really ‘being present with it?
- What would I like to create?
- What am I aware of that I KNOW is possible?
Universe, show me!
Ask: 👇
1. How many clients would I like to have?
2. What connection would you like to create today with your clients?
3 What is being interesting look like for me?
Day 3 - Never Giving UP, Never Give In & Never Quitting on YOU and your Business!
Get present with your business today and look at a couple of things:
Failure is not real. Failure is an unwillingness to do. You cannot fail if you do enough, you can only fail if you never do enough.
Are You Trying to Get Things Perfect Before You Start?
Nothing is ever perfect. You don’t always get your way. So deal with what is and move on. The thing to do is just start!
You are the only one who knows what you can choose, what you have chosen and what you will choose ~ Simone
Universe, show me!
Ask: 👇
Who or what else would you have to add to your business?
If you don’t succeed do you ask a question? Could you ask, “What do I have to change today (in me, or out there, or someplace) in order to get success?”
What are you holding back on choosing based on that you cannot actualize?
How much of your life have you quit before you got a result in order to prove that you couldn’t succeed?
“How much time is it going to take for this to appeal to enough people for this to work?”
for more info on Amy Shine www. Amyshine.net
Day 4 Being an Irresistible Invitation to More Clients Energy Pull
Energy Pulls "Being an Irresistible Invitation To More Clients!"
Tapping into your energies of you!
Investment: $9.99
Energy Pulls "Being an Irresistible Invitation To More Clients!"
The Universe is infinitely gifting to us. It’s only waiting for you to ask, for you to request what you most desire with your life and business.
How do you communicate with the Universe? This energy pull is a tool you can use to start.
This will be you inviting what you desire in life.
Call up the energy of what you’d truly like to have as your life.
If you could have anything at all, what would it be? If there were no limitations regarding time, money, creative and generative capacity, what would you ask for?