Access Business & Money - Online Becky Vannes & Amy Shine
Do think you have a money problem? Or have no idea how to be in business? What if there were no problems?

2022年6月08日 10:00 GMT-4 – 2022年6月09日 13:00 GMT-4
Access Business & Money - Online Becky Vannes & Amy Shine ( Joy of Business)
In this 2 part online class, you will start to discover what is truly possible in your business and finances. Not just for corporates, business owners, or entrepreneurs, discover what you can create in and as your life.
Learn to ask questions that will change limitations and start creating something greater than what you have considered before in your business & finances.
It’s your life, this is not a test – you get to choose it, you get to create it, and it is allowed to be fun for you and you are allowed to ask for more.~ Simone Milasas, Founder & Author of JOY OF BUSINESS
What others say:
After using the tools in this class I actually increased my revenue streams and the profit coming in. It was easy, fun and I’m still asking questions of what else is possible. - Sam, Australia
WHEN: June 8th and 9th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Your Time in The World
WHERE: Online/Zoom
*Please also register on the Access Consciousness website HERE
3 時間Day 1
3 時間Day 2
$450.00販売終了JOB MONEY 80%
$360.00販売終了JOB MONEY 75%
$338.00販売終了JOB MONEY 65%