3 Days Of Inviting Money FREE Adventure
Are you Creating Debt or Possibilities
What is your reality with money?
Are you done with just making enough money to pay your bills?
What if you make money by having time to do things that create money?
What you ask is what you will receive.
Are you willing to look at when you say or think that you can’t afford things?
What if there were 3 simple steps to apply to ANYTHING you would like to have in your life?
Would you even be willing to try it?
Is now the time for more?
Yes?! Ok! Let's go!! 🚀
Day 1- What is my reality with money? Do you love or hate money?
Day 2- CHOOSE IT! Start really exploring what you would like to have and create. And now make the demand and CHOOSE IT!
Day 3- Be Willing to HAVE Money!
Join Becky here .. Or in my telegram thread for more. www.Becky-Vannes.com/telegram

Day 1- What is my reality with money? Do you love or hate money?
Ask and begin to write down: If I had my financial reality what would it be? What is my reality with money? Keep asking, keep asking, keep asking
Begin to identify financial and momentary abuse and when you do it to yourself. When you do it to you ask: If I was not financially abusing myself right now, what choice would I have or make?
Start to duplicate the energy of love and ease with money. Exercise this duplication at least once daily for no less than 30 seconds. And if you can do more than 30 second
What is my reality with money? Do you love or hate money?
What is required to increase my monthly income?
What would I like my financial reality to be like? What would I have to be or do differently to create that now today?
Have fun and share what comes up for you, if you like❣️
Day 2- CHOOSE IT! Start really exploring what you would like to have and create. And now make the demand and CHOOSE IT!
look at what you are creating and choosing now, make your list, and say! Enough! I’m not going to live like this. not ever again! I don’t care what it takes. I’m going to MAKE money! I am going to GET money!
If I had a million dollars that each year would just replenish itself each year in my bank account, what would you be creating and choosing? What would I choose and create and have? What would my life be like?
ASK: 👇
What is your demand?
What would I like to create?
What could you have if you had an unlimited life?
What would I truly like to have?
What is my financial reality?
What would I be choosing now if I was choosing that?
What is choosing to be money?
What is relaxation with money?
Be Money
Day 3 - Be Willing to HAVE Money
Educate Yourself on Money
What did you learn about money that you gave up your awareness for?
How much cash would you need to have in your life to have a greater sense of ease and abundance with money?
What do you know that you haven’t acknowledged? And where can you find more information about money and business that would allow you to create something even greater?
Ask: 👇
What can I educate myself about money today?
What conversation are you not willing to have that would allow you to educate yourself to create something greater?
What reality beyond this reality are you choosing not to be that, if you chose to be it, would create a reality beyond this reality with total ease?
How much fun can I have with money today?
How much cash would you need to have in your life to have a greater sense of peace and abundance with money?
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- po 02. 8.Private Facebook Group
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Day 4 "Inviting Money" Energy Pull
Energy Pulls "Inviting Money"
Tapping into your energies of you!
Investment: $19.99
Energy Pulls "Inviting Money!"
The Universe is infinitely gifting to us. It’s only waiting for you to ask, for you to request what you most desire with your life and business.
How do you communicate with the Universe? This energy pull is a tool you can use to start.
This will be you inviting what you desire in life.
Everything in your life you have asked for in some way, whether verbally, cognitively, or energetically. If you have it, you've asked for it. Everything you love, you hate, you'd like to have and you wouldn't. So, what are you asking for really? This energy pull is a tool you can use to start.
Join us for an energetic pull to get clear on the energy of the big ask future you'd like to have and explore one of the easiest, most creative tools of Access Consciousness®. What big ask future do you desire to have and what can we create together?
PURCHASE HERE: https://www.becky-vannes.com/events/energy-pull-inviting-money-money-come-money-come

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